The former Ace Hardware in Vallejo, where
Zodiac suspect Arthur Leigh Allen was employed for several years.

Closed since 1999, the building recently
reopened as a giant Halloween store. How fitting!

Way in the back of the store, Ed joked he had
found one of Allen's old shoes.

Virtually untouched since Ace Hardware closed
in 1999 (and probably decades earlier), one can easily imagine Allen lumbering around this
isolated area near the rear exit.

Behind the building, Ed rings the old service
buzzer with his newly-purchased, glow-in-the-dark plastic machete. Nobody answered.

I attempt to repair a piece of the crumbling
building. Unsuccessful, I took the piece home for safekeeping.

Outside the Valano Club in Vallejo, evil
forces were at work and got Ed and I to attack each other! Luckily, we noticed an open
pool table and went back inside before any damage was done.

In San Francisco, an eerie glow is cast over
the intersection of Washington and Maple Streets, the Zodiac's original destination for

While at Washington and Maple, this black cat
approached me from the shadows of a mansion. The cat was quite friendly and followed me a
full block to Zodiac's murder scene, the intersection of Washington and Cherry Streets.

At the exact spot where Zodiac killed Paul
Stine, the cat arched its back and began to hiss at nothing in particular.

Remember the Zodiac shack, just off Lake
Herman Road in Vallejo? It was a rumored hideout for the Zodiac. For years I've received
e-mail about another such shack, this one in nearby Vacaville. Behold: The Vacashack!

Unlike the Zodiac shack, the Vacashack was
sealed like a drum. The only entrance we could find in the dwindling light meant a
dangerous climb. No thanks! I'm sure we'll be back, though.

Angie and Ed get prepared for a late night
hike to Devil's Kichen in rural Sonoma County. It was around this time that Ed reminded us
of the "Warning: Armed patrols" signs he had seen throughout the area.

Angie leads the way through the thick brush.
Devil's Kitchen overlooks the scene of where multiple bodies were found in the early

Several minutes into the hike, Ed actually got
a call on his cell from Wichita, Kan. Now that's great range!

It's unknown who was responsible for the
murders near Devil's Kitchen in the early 1970s. Zodiac? Ted Bundy? BTK? Whoever it was,
we half expected to run into them.

A surprised Ed is alerted to my presence only
by the flash of my camera. It was pitch black and the ground slippery and steep.

Angie stands at the edge of a huge cliff. If
not for our lanterns, she might have found herself at the bottom...