Zodiac suspect Lawrence Kane

This page is being updated as of 7/5/20.
If you have any information about this suspect, please contact me.

(Lawrence Kane, 1968)

NEW! Kane's Handwriting

On The Trail Of The Zodiac

The Hines Report

Kane's Handwriting

Below: NEW! Lawrence Kane speaks at length in a recording from the late 1940s. Hear him mention "Zodiac" and "torture."

*Lawrence Klein was born on April 29, 1924, in Brooklyn, NY. Klein would go on to use many aliases, including "Larry Kane."

*Kane had a lengthy criminal rap sheet dating back to the 1940s

*Pam Huckaby, sister of Zodiac victim Darlene Ferrin, claims Kane followed Darlene in the months before her murder. Additionally, possible Zodiac victim Kathleen Johns identified Kane as her abductor.

*In 1969, during the peak of Zodiac's activity, Kane was 45 years old. He stood 5'9" and weighed approximately 160 pounds. His astrological sign is Taurus.

*As a result of massive brain damage from a 1962 auto accident, Kane was allegedly diagnosed by a psychologist in 1965 as "losing the ability to control self-gratification."

*Kane was arrested in Redwood City, Calif. in August 1968. The arrest was just four months before Zodiac's first San Francisco Bay Area murders of Dec. 20, 1968.

*Kane died on May 20, 2010 in Reno NV.

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