Zodiac Killer Letter: Vallejo Times Letter

Where Can I Read The Zodiac’s Letters? 

Zodiac Killer Letter: Vallejo Times Letter

The Zodiac Killer Left Hints Behind 

The Zodiac Killer hasn’t been heard from in decades. After years of sending threatening and mocking letters to the public, the Zodiac suddenly went radio silent. However, many believe that the letters he left behind hold the key to identifying the Zodiac, even years after his crimes that took place in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 

Where Can I Read The Zodiac Letters? 

The Zodiac sent dozens of letters between the years 1967 and 1978 – most often to newspapers located in Northern California, but sometimes to individuals as well. Common topics the Zodiac would talk about in his letters include details of his past crimes, his plans for future crimes, his motives and beliefs about the afterlife, various types of demands, and, of course, threats if his demands weren’t met. Occasionally, he even sent pieces of ciphers along with his letters. 

If you’re interested in taking a look at the Zodiac’s letters and ciphers for yourself, you can view all of the Zodiac’s letters and ciphers right here on Zodiackiller.com. The letters have been preserved through scans so you can see exactly what the Zodiac wrote and how he wrote it – including even the envelopes he sent his letters in. 

Where Else Can I Read The Zodiac Letters? 

Would you like to be able to easily reference the Zodiac’s letters, even if you’re away from your computer? Do you want to look up facts about the Zodiac case quickly? If so, consider getting a copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts features not only the Zodiac’s letters and ciphers but also relevant police reports. All information is organized chronologically. The book also has an easily searchable index that allows you to quickly pinpoint whatever information you seek. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today.