REDDIT: "This is the first time I'm ever seeing this note. It's not mentioned on any websites I regularly visit. I found it in Sgt. Lundblad's book The Zodiac Killer Cover-Up: AKA: The Silenced Badge." u/DJDevon3
FIXED: I could fill this page with u/DJDevon3's multitude of flawed posts. In this instance, the book he mentioned was not written by "Sgt. Lundblad," but rather by Lyndon Lafferty. A peculiar mistake considering u/DJDevon3 clearly had the book right in front of him, as a pic of the aforementioned note was included with his post. |
REDDIT: "According to the parking lot where they were murdered no longer exists. If you live locally you could go to the city office and ask about blueprints for the parks redesign. Basically ask the mayor or county commissioners." u/DJDevon3
FIXED: Dear reddit: Instead of bugging the mayor of Vallejo about a 50-year-old parking lot that some believe doesn't exist any longer, please allow me to help. The website you mentioned is incorrect. The original parking lot is still there. For those of you interested, here is a graphic I created some time ago. Use it in conjuction with the original sketch of the crime scene, as well as with this 1968 aerial photo of the area. And please...when you have Zodiac questions, while bugging random mayors is your prerogative, most people stick with for answers. And you should, too. |
REDDIT: "Several young witnesses witnessed the end of the attack on Paul Stine and they called the police. I believe they gave information that the killer was leaning in the cab and 'wiping' something. How and when would the careful, phantom Zodiac have left prints to wipe down?" u/AnnaLisetteMorris2
FIXED: Since when was the Zodiac careful? Zodiac left living victims when he didn't need to. Zodiac allowed himself to be seen by witnesses when he didn't need to. Zodiac provided his own handwriting and voice when he didn't need to. Zodiac openly taunted the police and publicly challenged them to catch him. How is any of that to be considered being "careful?" Zodiac was the exact opposite of careful -- he was brazen. |
REDDIT: "Everything fits my hypothesis. Even the Skeleton has a RED MASK on." u/B-D-Holland |
FIXED: The above-mentioned hypothesis concerning the true identity of the Zodiac killer is featured in a website and e-book created by anonymous Internet user "b-d-holland." Hilariously, a key piece of Holland's "evidence" relies on something being red, when in fact it is orange. Buyer beware of "b-d-holland." -- THE MASK BELOW IS CLEARLY ORANGE, NOT RED --
REDDIT: "Several letters contained pieces of Stine's shirt. The crime lab where the shirt was laid out was unsecured -- not even locked at night." u/Forteanforever |
FIXED: All police-related facilities in San Francisco were under lockdown during the tumultuous late 1960s/early 1970s, as masses of angry protesters targeted law enforcement, eventually bombing a police substation, killing one officer and wounding others. The idea that a police crime lab was left unlocked is not only 100% false, but also one of the silliest claims I have ever read on the Internet. |
REDDIT: "Almost all of Voight's secret witnesses are ones he keeps anonymous. Which basically means you can just make them up, right?" u/TessaIsCold |
FIXED: Inside sources (individuals behind the scenes willing to share exclusive info) are the lifeblood of a website like and I have maintained a public list of my sources since 2001. Here's what that list looks like today. (I can count on one hand the number of times I have been asked to keep private the identity of a source.) |
REDDIT: "Where are all the original researchers? like Howard Davis, Mike Rodelli, Mark Hewitt, etc?"
u/shicetea22 |
FIXED: Mark Hewitt is not an original Zodiac researcher. Hewitt didn't join the online Zodiac community until shortly after David Fincher's ZODIAC film was released in 2007. In an attempted money grab, Hewitt trolled the discussion forum, stealing from other users their original Zodiac theories and other case-related ideas, with Hewitt pasting the stolen information into a newsletter that he then tried to sell. Most recently, Hewitt plagiarized a Zodiac book. Buyer beware of Mark Hewitt. |
REDDIT: "The second and much less known Persidio Height Sketch! Thoughts?" u/galactusisathiccboi
FIXED: The above is an image that was created for the 2008 David Fincher documentary "This is the Zodiac Speaking" -- the image had nothing to do with the actual Zodiac case. The two official San Francisco composite sketches of the Zodiac killer were created exclusively at the direction of the teen witnesses who saw the aftermath of the Zodiac's murder of cab driver Paul Stine. The second and final sketch was finished on Oct. 18. 1969. Nearly a month later, a police officer (Don Fouke) who possibly saw the Zodiac making his escape, came forward with his description. However, the officer did not contribute to any sketch of the Zodiac killer. |
REDDIT: "The witnesses described Zodiac as having a crew cut with a prominent widow's peak and bald spot" u/denyxyourxmaker |
FIXED: While the Zodiac was described by San Francisco witnesses as having a short, military-style haircut, no witness ever described the Zodiac as having a widow's peak or bald spot...prominent or otherwise. See the Zodiac police reports, as well as the report prepared by possible Zodiac witness Officer Fouke. (Decades later, an elderly Fouke began offering different accounts of what he saw that night, a clear sign of memory loss/replacement.) |
REDDIT: "On December 21, 1968 Gaikowski had to kill two people and then... go back to his hotel? Or crash on a friend's sofa? None of that seems logical or reasonable. The killer lived in close proximity to that first murder and had a good knowledge of the area. None of that fits Gaikowski." u/JR-Dubs |
FIXED: Correction: All of that fits Gaikowski, who had lived less than five miles from that very crime scene. As for Gaikowski's whereabouts on the night in question (Dec. 20, 1968), his best friend, Bob Loomis, originally stated that Gaikowski was staying with him at the Loomis household not far from the crime scene. Decades later and after Gaikowski had become a Zodiac suspect, Loomis acknowledged his original statement, but said he now remembered Gaikowski's stay was a few weeks later than he had previously stated. That's convenient to say the least. And while we are on the subject of Gaikowski misinformation, there is literally no evidence placing Gaikowski out of the country during the time in question, although a certain individual has tried his best to fool people by spreading lies about Gaikowski. Based on reading comments at reddit, that individual was unfortunately successful. |
REDDIT: "Voigt had toiled on that website for years, and seeing the traffic rise to the point he thought he could charge for access" u/AwsiDooger |
FIXED: I have never charged a fee in order for people to access However, in the summer of 2008, shortly after a Zodiac copycat murdered a woman named Megan Touma, I decided that in order to keep my users safe at the discussion forum (a forum located on a seperate website/server than, I would require users to make a one-time donation of at least one penny, via PayPal, so that I would then have identifying info for every user. I eventually made a few adjustments to the donation policy, a policy which finally ended after Touma's killer was apprehended. |
REDDIT: "Let me make sure I understand. They let voigt In the so called evidence room? Does anyone really believe that voigt saw real evidence?" u/Usflaw1988 |
FIXED: I indeed saw real Zodiac evidence, up close and in person...but not just in one Zodiac evidence room -- I saw it in three Zodiac evidence rooms. Including: San Francisco Police Dept. (1998), Napa County Sheriff's Dept. (1998), and the Vallejo Police Dept. (2017). Click the link to see the pics and videos. |
REDDIT: "We know that Zodiac misspells a lot of words, suggesting that maybe English isn't his first language. His letters have a real Australian vibe to them." u/FoxBeach |
FIXED: There is no such language as "Australian" -- English is the only language spoken by nearly 73% of Australia's population. For an Australian-born Zodiac, English wouldn't have been a second language. |