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Subject: Meeting "Zodiac"
From: [email protected]
In about 1989 I came to know Roy Conway, Captain of Detectives in Vallejo PD and he told
me the address of Arthur Leigh Allen. Allen was out mowing his front lawn when I drove
down Fresno Street. I then walked down past the house, he took note of me and turned off
the mower. As I approached within about 30 feet or so I asked if he was Arthur Leigh
Allen. He became immediately enraged, raised his hands in a strangling mode and shouted
out "who wants to know" and started for me on the run. I turned and retreated
for a few steps down the sidewalk and looked over my shoulder and shouted out that he was
"famous". He stopped dead in his tracks and said "yes, yes I am". I
stopped and we talked for 10 or so minutes. He denied being Zodiac, however in discussing
the events, he slipped and referred to the woman in the Lake Herman murder by her first
name and in the first person, then appeared to catch his slip up and corrected himself
that he had heard or read about her instead. |
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Even if Allen wasn't
the Zodiac, he sure was an interesting character. |
Subject: signature
From: [email protected]
I have been told by my mother that one saturday she was at Loma Linda SDA Church and they
found in the guest book that the Zodiac had signed it. I dont know what day or anything
like that, I just thought you might find this interesting. |
Very interesting, especially since Lake Berryessa victim Cecelia
Shepard was from Loma Linda... |
Subject: Zodiackiller.com Suspect
From: anonymous
Suspect's name: HUNTER S THOMPSON
Suspect's location: ?????
Why is he suspected of being Zodiac?: watch "fear and loathing in las
vegas" he probably isnt zodiac but i think he knows who he is. in the movie there are
a lot of instances where you see the letter "Z" and in one scene there is a very
large 'z' on the wall and underneath it it says "he still lives" |
That sounds like a new drinking game; every time you see a
"Z," chug a pint of your favorite ale. |
Subject: I was almost attacked by the
From: [email protected]
Hi, back in the early 70's I was going to my girlfriends house and a car came up behind me
and bagan beeping and pointing, I tried to ditch the car and he ran me off the road when I
was getting on the freeway. He then disconnected something under my hood and left and then
made a uturn on the freeway and came back. He laughed and said did I have a problem. I
think what saved me was that I have two very young babies with me. He then put whatever he
took from under my hood and put it back and My car started. I was so scared that I didn't
know what to do. Susie |
Susie's report of the incident was filed with local police, who
took her case very seriously. |
Subject: suspects
From: [email protected]
while working at a "FAST GAS" station in Napa on silverado trail around the
summer of 69 or 70,a guy drove in to the station late one night in an older model pickup
truck with a home made camper shell. As I recall he had sandy brown colored hair. He
wanted free gas, then began to barter with me, first saying "I have a Zodiac watch,
see?" and showed me his watch. He gave me the willies. I was alone and there were no
other cars going by. He pointed at the watch and said something like "You know what
that means, don't you?" I told him I didn't need a watch, and then he said he had
some guns in the back of the truck I could look at. At that point I felt my life was in
danger, and I told him I didn't need any guns, but that he could have a little free gas,
just to get rid of him. He was a muscular guy...I associated with maybe a recent prison
release. I've since come to associate the feelings I had about him as an indication that
he was an anti-social personality. The hair on my neck was standing up. Just thought you'd
want to know. Maybe he was just a nut case having fun with a young kid (I was about 17 at
the time. I've been holding on to this information for 30 years with no one to give it to.
Stories like that abound in the San Francisco Bay Area. Was it
really Zodiac? |
Subject: Age
From: [email protected]
How old is the zodiac killer and couldn't you talk to his parents about where he lives. |
(Biting my tongue...) |
Subject: new suspect?
From: anonymous
Chuck Lindsey at the time worked for the solono county sheriff department. He also met or
maybe even dated at least two of the victims that he met at a night club that was known as
the san's club in vallejo. A few times we went to his house which was located in the hills
behind Blue Rock Springs. we abserved pictures of all the victims on his desk in his house
but didnt really think too much about it at the time because his job at the sheriffs
department was taking photos of the homicide victims. Everybody always suspected him
because of the description of the zodiac. The simmularities of Chuck and the zodiac were
very much alike. A few years later I read in the vallejo times herald that his present
wife had comitted suicide in the house in back of blue rock. later on he moved to suisun
CA and around the same time a girl was found dead near his home. After that we basically
lost contact with him. The only thing i heard was that his son had gone to prison for a
long while. We had called to report our suspicions several times during the late 60's and
early 70's. I do not want to give my name on the internet in case he is still alive. |
Just when you think there couldn't possibly be more Zodiac
suspects, another comes along. If anyone has further information on Lindsey, please let me know. |
Subject: david faraday
From: [email protected]
My name is Tom and I currently live in Montana. I just wanted to share what effect the
Zodiac Killer had on my life. I lived in Vallejo in 1968 on Soreno Dr. two doors up from
the Faraday's house. Steven (David's younger brother) and I were the same age, best
friends and went to school together. My father was the in the car business and at the time
worked for Bill Lang Pontiac/Cadillac in Vallejo. I remember when David was killed we
drove by the Faraday's house and the tan Rambler was sitting in their drive way with the
window shot out. I'll never forget that sight. I never heard from or talked to Steven
again. I remember my mom and I going to Casper's hotdogs in Concord and as we sat in the
car and ate a white Ford Galaxy pulled next to us and the man inside looked just like the
composite drawing of the Zodiac killer. It really scared my mom and I. I remember there
was a story that he had written his "sign" somewhere in Sun Valley Mall and I
remember he threatened to blow up a bus load of kids. For a while we had an officer on the
bus and he would tell us what to do if something bad happened. At that point my Dad said
enough was enough and we were getting out of California. We were in Montana by Sept of
70'. My life ended up the was it did basically because of the Zodiac Killer. |
An amazing e-mail and a strong reminder that Zodiac's list of
victims reaches far beyond just those he killed and wounded. |
Subject: question
From: [email protected]
This may sound really dumb, but has anyone thought to think that the zodiac killer killed
the guy that they thought was the zodiac killer? ( does that make sence?) |
(Biting my tongue...) |
Subject: Zodiackiller.com Suspect
From: anonymous
Suspect's name: tony brown
Suspect's location: riverside CA
Why is he suspected of being Zodiac?: he told me that he'd always wanted to know
how it felt to kill someone, he then later said he had with a 22 and that he planned on
doing it again. he then told me about stine and how the police had had him and let him go. |
Either "Tony Brown" is the Zodiac or a liar.
Considering I receive these third-party confessions on a regular basis, odds are he's a
liar. |
Subject: Bobby and Linda's Murder
From: [email protected]
I was pleased to see that you included the case of Bobby and Linda from 1963 as a possible
Zodiac murder. I was a sophomore at Lompoc Senior High when they were killed. They were
both friends and we were most distressed by the news of their murders just before
graduation. Many of us had often been to the location of the murders before they died. It
was a place to go and swim, sun, and have fun. We had empty chairs for the two of them at
their graduation. The funerals were very sad and troubling. In my two years at the high
school afterward we often wondered if their killer would ever be found. We never knew if
there were any suspects. After I left California in 1965, I heard nothing about this case
until today when I discovered your Web page. I have searched the Web a time or two in the
past for their names but just found your site today. I have often wondered if their
murders would be solved. After reading your information, the connection with this serial
killer is remarkable. I am a police officer and clinical psychologist living in Tennessee.
This case interests me for many reasons. I have studied the Zodiac killings in the past
but never linked the killer to Bobby and Linda. The reason is that I really had no
specific information about their murders until I read your report today. I also did not
consider that the Zodiac started killing as early as June of 1963. At that time, we never
considered a serial killer. As a high school student, we were told that police thought
that a drifter must have done it. I will follow any further information you
may have about my former friends. Even though it has been over forty years now, I think of
them often. Thank you for giving me a possible solution as to who killed these two great
people. |
Even after 41 years, possible Zodiac victims Linda Edwards and
Robert Domingos aren't nearly forgotten. |
Subject: assignment
From: [email protected]
Hello there , I'm looking for some information for a school project . Give me just a bunch
of info about the zodiackiller , like when he started , where and all that good stuff . I
want all the guts the gore and informative details . Just send me an e-mail . |
Unfortunately I was not able to help
"righteously_insane" in time. As a result, he will now be repeating Grade 3 for
the fourth time. |
Subject: silent movies
From: [email protected]
Hi Tom, I had seen your Rick Marshall page a while back, and was interested to see the new
stuff you have there now. The photo of the hand-lettered movie poster really took me back.
Bob Vaughn (former organist at the Avenue Theater) had some of those posters scattered
around in his garage, all with the same hand-writing. If the one on your site was written
by Marshall, they were *all* done by Marshall, and I remember the heavy card stock they
were on. I read the anonymous letter you've linked to your Marshall page, and was
intrigued by the reference to the Zodiac's own card stock. If I could see the card the
Zodiac sent, I'm sure I could tell whether it was the same as the stock used for the
Avenue Theater posters. At the time I met him, he was quite thin and frail, nothing at all
like the obese man in the photos. He walked with some difficulty, practically dragging one
foot when stepping forward with the other. In fact, that's my clearest memory of him. The
link between the Zodiac "Red Phantom" and the film EL SPECTRO ROJO may be a thin
one. But for what it's worth, Bob Vaughn had a 16mm print of that film, and it's now in my
collection. Whether it was ever shown at the Avenue or not, I don't know, but it seems
very reasonable. It runs about ten minutes, silent, and it's hand-colored and very
macabre, consisting of tricks and wonders perfomed by a cloaked skeleton man. If you do
meet Marshall, I'd love to hear about your impressions. I'd hurry, if I were you... back
when I saw him, he didn't look like he had a lot of years left in him. All the Best, C S |
I believe I've located Rick Marshall and hope to visit him soon. |
Subject: The Book: Suspect Zero
From: [email protected]
I have appreciated your web site for a long time. My high school and college years were
spent in Santa Rosa. One of my classmates, Kim Allen, was one of the victims of the serial
murderer in Santa Rosa. I saw the book Suspect Zero on your site and couldn't wait to read
it. Again....thanks for the zodiac website. P.S. About 4 years ago, I woke up screaming
because the Zodiac was attacking me..dressed up in his Lake Berryessa clothing. It's
amazing how something like that can come into your dreams years later. |
"Suspect Zero" is an excellent book about the
Zodiac/Santa Rosa murders. For those who were personally affected by them, the events are
still fresh in their minds. |
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