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Subject: My Brother is the Zodiak Killer
From: [email protected]
I still think my (Cum Laude from Harvard 1960) is the Zodiak killer. He is the exact
duplicate of one of the suspects, a genius blue eyed brown hair. I believe my brother was
the Boston Strangler while he was in the Cambridge area right after he graduated from
Harvard. Then he took a lot of drugs and got interested in astrology. He played a part in
the Mikado when he was a teenager in our local church play. If you will recall Zodiak said
he was going to work only for money when he gave up his role as Zodiak. I believe that he
and my sister killed Jon Benet Ramsey for profit. I have offered my DNA to Denver police
and my local police. The local police told me to find the right jurisdiction. I wrote many
emails and letters to Denver offering to give them my DNA to check but they never answered
me. Is there anything else I can do? |
Never mix beer and wine. |
Subject: Cheri Bates
From: [email protected]
I came across your website and read through a lot of it....I was Cheri Jo Bates' next door
neighbor...My family lived next door to the Bates from 1960 till Joe sold his house
several years later...I remember Irene and her breakdown before the divorce. I remember
going to see her in the institution. I remember Mike and Cheri and their dog, Jiggs, very
well. I was about 13 years old when the crime happened. I had a major impact on our
family. Susan |
All the nutty e-mail I receive is worth it when I hear from
someone like Susan. |
Subject: Thanks!
From: [email protected]
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for your site, it's an amazing resource. Yesterday I
finished shooting my scene for "In Control of All Things". I played the
fictional character Paul Carmichael. My character was, for all intents and purposes, Bryan
Hartnell. At any rate, thanks for your site, it helped loads in working on my character
and finding out exactly what the circumstances were. Keep up the good work! IAN |
Glad to help, Ian. ("In Control Of All Things" should
be released in early 2004.) |
Subject: he was arrested
From: [email protected]
In 1990, the General Manager of the Blue Jays said that he was the Zodiac Killer. He
phoned me at Dorothy Stickle's home, because I used to live with Dorothy, from September
1989 to January 1991. The Wild Country (formerly All Hit Country) had a contest going, or
wagering on who was going to win the World Series. I phoned them and guessed the
"Phillies" were going to win. I started getting calls from a Blue Jays player
named Joe Jancowski, I don't have the exact spelling of his name. Anyways; he was a
Chekaslovacian, he had a rare Cancer and he was the star player. He told me that he had to
take lots of medication. I also got calls from the GM, I don't know his name, he told me
that he is the Zodiac Killer. He was arrested in 1999, by the Williams Lake RCMP; he
confessed to the fact that he was the Zodiac Killer. |
I always had the Zodiac pegged as a Dodger... |
Subject: Serial Killer Files
From: [email protected]
Dear Tom Voight: I'm a writer of books about serial killers, including the "A-Z
Encyclopedia of Serial Killers." I'm working on a new one, the "Serial Killer
Files," and of course I intend to cover not only the Zodiac but websites like yours.
I'm writing to ask if there is any material, primarily visual but anything of interest,
that you might supply me with for my book. I'm especially interested in Zodiac-related
images that I could reprint, though it would also be great to get some images of your
website that I could include. Let me know if this is possible. Thanks. Harold Schechter |
I was more than happy to contribute materials for Harold's book.
It will be released Dec. 23, 2003. |
Subject: Arthur Leigh Allen
From: [email protected]
Arthur was a friend of mine while I was in Atascadero State Hospital. One of the very few
with any intellect to speak of. We spoke of many things, from how to get over on the
staff, to how he would feed squirrels from his shirt pocket. What I remember of him is far
from what most have written about him. Even though it's been many years, and I haven't
been very kind to my brain cells, I remember his wit and his laughter the most. Whatever
the subject, he would inevitably have an opinion. And argue to the point of anger. He was
particularly amused by the fact that I had pleaded guilty by reasons of insanity, on a
robbery charge, and had ended up there, at Atascadero St. Hosp., instead of prison. Any
story of a criminal act, escape or just plain getting over on someone, was intriguing to
him, and, I felt, held admiration from him. What I really want to say is that I actually
liked the guy. But while you're in a state hospital, there is slim pickin's for any real
conversation and I only had a handful of friends. You learn what is bullshit real quick.
And who is to be avoided. We talked of the Zodiac, and that he was under suspicion. And I
remember telling him that I had lived in Riverside and Napa around the times of the
murders. He had said things to me like "Hell, if they tried hard enough, with the
fucking blinders they have on, they could fit his shoes on you." Meaning the Zodiac's
shoes. But it just wouldn't fit being that I was doing time somewhere while these killings
were being committed. I never really gave much thought to whether his was or wasn't the
Zodiac. He acted disgusted with the whole thing. I have spent 14 years of my life in youth
authorities, hospitals, and prisons. I have met people who were pure evil, ignorant,
hatefilled, and downright scarey. Arthur was not one of those. If it finally gets proven
that he was the Zodiac, I hope 'they' can find a why. Because if it does turn out to be
him, I will be shocked. And my belief that I can usually 'read' a person, especially after
a couple years, would be shot to hell. If you have received any mail from people who knew
him while at Atascadero, and need to verify that I did know him, you may use my name.
Michael Johnson. I was there from '75 to '78. And I would be glad to hear from any of them
if they would want to get a hold of me. |
Zodiac or not, Allen was one interesting guy. If you'd like to
share a story about him, e-mail: [email protected]. |
Subject: Zodiackiller.com Suspect
From: [email protected]
Suspect's name: Paul Daigle
Suspect's location: deceased
Why is he suspected of being Zodiac?: I was a psychiatric nurse in the Bay area
during the time of the SF Zodiac murders. A patient was admitted to our hospital who many
of us came to believe was the Zodiac killer. There were no murders during the time he was
hospitalized. There was a murder one night when he was out on an unescorted pass. He
committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a BART train. There were no more Zodiac
killings reported after his death. At the time, confidentialty laws prevented us from
reporting our suspicions to the police or FBI. He was a very ordinary appearing man who
wore black rimmed glasses and looked like an accountant if you will. I worked night shift
and by day he was very controlled and passive. I saw a 180 degree turn in his personality
one night which frightened this calm and usually unshakeable nurse.Please keep my e-mail
address confidential. |
Yet another interesting suspect. Sometimes it seems as if
Californians in the 1960s were all either killers, victims, cops or mental patients. |
Subject: Zodiac
From: [email protected]
Hi Tom, I'll always remember the terror of Halloween in the late 60's/early 70's - our
mommys all coming together and deciding that we would have Halloween before dark - they
were terrified of the Zodiac after dark. As a child (I'm 42 now), it really did scare me -
not that that was the intention of my overly-protective suburban mom. We trick-or-treated
in the daylight (5:00ish) and could not go to ANY house we did not know. Such a scary time
for us - the Zodiac made such an impression of terror in my mind, which lasts to this day.
Thank you for your website - I find it so interesting - after all these scary
years...Christine |
The Zodiac was a real-life Bogeyman to an entire generation. |
Subject: Suspect?
From: [email protected]
in 1969 or 1970, i was hitchiking from L.A. to visit my cousin, who was a student at
Berkley, I was picked up around trancas, north of malibu by a guy in his mid to late
twenties, he said he could take me all the way to the bay area. I was 18 or 19. He told me
about his mentor or guru, who if memory serves me, he referred to as the Natural Man. He
said that they knew who the zodiac killer was, they had seen him sticking a knife
repeatedly into an empty school bus, this was in Richmond. He said the zodiac's father was
a sergeant at the Presidio. He asked me if i would like to meet his guru. I got to my
cousin's place at 1930 blake st. in berkley, my cousin didn't want to meet the natural
man, or the zodiac killer. I didn't go either, however the driver of the car that picked
me up, told me the zodiac's real name, which i told to my cousin. I remembered it for many
years, then forgot. But something tells me that leonard was either the first or last name.
Maybe under hypnosis i could recover it. |
Everybody has a Zodiac story from back then! |
Subject: Zodiackiller.com Suspect
From: [email protected]
Suspect's name: Pee Wee Herman
Suspect's location: Los Angeles
Why is he suspected of being Zodiac?: Because someone stole his bike |
Hey, don't laugh -- it makes more sense than most theories I've
heard! |
Subject: German TV
From: [email protected]
Hi, last night i saw a film about your work in TV. I think it was very interessting. I
hope that you will find the real killer. I will look now more often on your site to read
about this all. Sorry, but my English is not very good, because i come from Germany. Ronin |
Ronin saw a sneak preview of John Mikulenka's upcoming
documentary that aired in July 2003 on German PBS. |
Subject: Zodiac?
From: [email protected]
In the early 1970's, my grandmother and a female coworker took an impromptu trip to the
Reno area. On the way (possibly still in N.California), after grabbing a bite to eat,
their car broke down. This greatly surprised my grandmother, because the car wasn't that
old. Out of nowhere, a young man pulled up behind them, got out of his car, and offered to
help. My grandmother said he looked just like the sketches of the Zodiac killer in the
paper. When he couldn't coerce them both to go with him to the service station, he tried
to get one of them to go. Luckily, a highway patrol officer pulled up, and the young man
sped off in his vehicle. My grandmother brought the story up with me when she saw me
reading a 'Zodiac' book in the 90's. She said the incident frightened her, even years
later. The highway patrolman didn't give their story much notice at the time. I wish I
would have pressed her for details-she passed away in '97. |
I sure would like to know what the car trouble turned out to be. |
Subject: I was a teacher at Hogan High
School and had a student tell me:
From: [email protected]
I was a high school teacher in Vallejo at Hogan High School during the zodiak days. The
daughter of a school secretary was one person murdered. I recall having a young male
student come up to me and tell me one day, "My dad is a policeman. You will not hear
any more about any more zodiak killings because he has turned himself in on the condition
that he be quietly sent to a mental institution and not arrested or prosecuted. " I
brushed it off at the time as typical student talk, but it seemed true because that was
the last I ever heard about Zodiak messages or killings. |
Hmmm... |
Subject: career advice
From: [email protected]
Now that ALA has been ruled out, you might want to consider a new line of work. How about
tending the landing lights for Amelia Earhart? gp |
Gareth, I'm afraid you are incorrect. According to the San
Francisco Police Department, Arthur Leigh Allen has not been "ruled out"
as a Zodiac suspect. Meanwhile, I have some advice for you: Do the environment a favor and
don't write anymore books, as I don't think the planet could survive without the millions
of trees it would take to produce enough books to satisfy the public's craving for Gareth
Penn reading materials. |
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