Do You Know The Zodiac Killer Survivors?

The Zodiac Killer Took The Lives Of Dozens In Northern California 

The Zodiac Killings took place in Northern California over a 5-year span in the 1960s and 1970s. Although only 7 victims are today conclusively attributed to the Zodiac Killer, the Zodiac claimed in his letters that he was responsible for 37 murders total. Decades later, the case has gone cold and the Zodiac’s identity remains a mystery.  

Did You Know That Not All Of The Zodiac’s Victims Died? 

It’s true. Of the 7 confirmed Zodiac Killer victims, 2 actually survived his assault. Their names are Mike Renault Mageau and Bryan Calvin Hartnell. Both Mageau and Hartnell were in the company of young women who also fell victim to the Zodiac Killer at the times of their assaults. 

Mageau was in the company of Darlene Ferrin. The two were conversing in a parked car in an isolated location. Their attacker shot Ferrin 5 times and short Mageau 4 times. 

Hartnell was with Cecelia Ann Shepard on a lakeside beach when an attacker approached them. This time, the Zodiac stabbed his victims. Shepard received a total of 10 stab wounds and Hartnell received a total of 6 stab wounds. 

The Zodiac Killer Has Yet To Be Identified 

In spite of the fact that two of the Zodiac’s victims survived their attacks, the identity of the Zodiac remains a mystery. How many more years will pass before we know who the Zodiac was? 

Know What The Police Knew – Read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts 

If you want to familiarize yourself with the known facts of the Zodiac Killer case, read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. You can now access the knowledge the police had at the time of the murders. These police reports, all linked to the Zodiac Killer, are presented in chronological order. Readers can read through the relevant information over the whole course of the Zodiac’s 5-year killing spree in Northern California. With its easily searchable index, readers can easily find the location of any particular piece of information in Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts.  

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today.