Do You Know The Zodiac Killer Survivors?

The Zodiac Killer Took The Lives Of Dozens In Northern California 

The Zodiac Killings took place in Northern California over a 5-year span in the 1960s and 1970s. Although only 7 victims are today conclusively attributed to the Zodiac Killer, the Zodiac claimed in his letters that he was responsible for 37 murders total. Decades later, the case has gone cold and the Zodiac’s identity remains a mystery.  

Did You Know That Not All Of The Zodiac’s Victims Died? 

It’s true. Of the 7 confirmed Zodiac Killer victims, 2 actually survived his assault. Their names are Mike Renault Mageau and Bryan Calvin Hartnell. Both Mageau and Hartnell were in the company of young women who also fell victim to the Zodiac Killer at the times of their assaults. 

Mageau was in the company of Darlene Ferrin. The two were conversing in a parked car in an isolated location. Their attacker shot Ferrin 5 times and short Mageau 4 times. 

Hartnell was with Cecelia Ann Shepard on a lakeside beach when an attacker approached them. This time, the Zodiac stabbed his victims. Shepard received a total of 10 stab wounds and Hartnell received a total of 6 stab wounds. 

The Zodiac Killer Has Yet To Be Identified 

In spite of the fact that two of the Zodiac’s victims survived their attacks, the identity of the Zodiac remains a mystery. How many more years will pass before we know who the Zodiac was? 

Know What The Police Knew – Read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts 

If you want to familiarize yourself with the known facts of the Zodiac Killer case, read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. You can now access the knowledge the police had at the time of the murders. These police reports, all linked to the Zodiac Killer, are presented in chronological order. Readers can read through the relevant information over the whole course of the Zodiac’s 5-year killing spree in Northern California. With its easily searchable index, readers can easily find the location of any particular piece of information in Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts.  

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

How Many People Did The Zodiac Killer Murder?

San Francisco police dept wanted poster of the Zodiac Killer

Can You Crack This Serial Killer Cold Case? 

The Zodiac Killer case has remained unsolved for decades. More than 50 years after the death of his last confirmed victim, the Zodiac’s case has gone cold. How long much longer will this famous serial killer case from the 1960s and 1970s go unsolved? Will we ever learn the true identity of the murder who called himself The Zodiac? 

How Many People Did The Zodiac Killer Murder? 

Even some of the basic facts of the Zodiac Killer case remain under debate. For example, how many victims did the Zodiac have during his 5-year killing spree in Northern California? The truth is that the list of victims the Zodiac has been conclusively linked to is rather short. Today, we only know for certain that these people were victims of the Zodiac: 

  • David Faraday 
  • Betty Lou Jensen 
  • Darlene Ferrin 
  • Mike Mageau 
  • Cecelia Shepard 
  • Bryan Hartnell 
  • Paul Stine 

Of these 7 victims, the Zodiac murdered 5. Two victims, Mageau and Hartnell, escaped with injuries. 

Were These All Of The Zodiac’s Victims? 

Although these were the only victims the police were able to prove that the Zodiac was responsible for, it’s likely that they weren’t the Zodiac’s only victims. In the letters he sent, he frequently claimed credit for unnamed victims that the police hadn’t yet found. By the end of his Northern California killing spree, the total amount of victims the Zodiac claimed credit for was 37. 

Want To Learn More About The Zodiac’s Victims? 

If you want to learn more about the Zodiac’s victims, Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. Zodiac Killer: Just The Facts is a source that offers only the facts related to the Zodiac Killer case. Read a chronological collection of relevant police reports as well as the Zodiac’s letters and ciphers. You can know now what the police knew then and, if you study the information enough, maybe even solve this cold case. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Can You Solve The Zodiac Killer Ciphers?

1960s Serial Killer Case Remains Unsolved 

In spite of the fact that the Zodiac Killer’s first known murders occurred over 50 years ago, this famed serial killer case remains unsolved. The Zodiac Killer mocked the public and police forces for not being able to identify him and bragged about his murders. It’s little wonder this gruesome case, now gone cold, has left a scar on the collective psyches of those who remember it – especially those who lived in Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s.  

The Zodiac’s Mysterious Ciphers 

The Zodiac was well known for taunting the police and the civilian population alike in his letters. He frequently made demands and threatened to do “nasty” things if his demands weren’t met. His taunting nature can perhaps be best illustrated by the ciphers he wrote. 

The Zodiac wrote a total of four ciphers over the course of his 5-year serial killer spree in Northern California. Since the 1960s and 1970s, countless people have dedicated their time to try to decipher these cryptograms in hopes of identifying the Zodiac.  

Ciphers that Remain Unsolved 

Of his four cryptograms, only two have been solved. One of the unsolved ciphers is short, only comprised of 13 characters, and supposedly contains the Zodiac’s true identity. With only two ciphers solved nearly half a decade after the Zodiac Killer’s murder spree, how long will it take to solve the final two ciphers? Could you be the one to solve the cipher and find the Zodiac Killer’s identity? 

Read The Zodiac’s Ciphers In Zodiac’s Killer: Just The Facts 

If you want to try your hand at solving those final ciphers, you should read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. In Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, you’ll find a chronological collection of police reports related to the Zodiac Killer case along with the Zodiac’s famous letters and cryptograms. The easy to search index will lead you to the information you want to see the most. With the Zodiac’s ciphers in your hands, can you crack this decades’ old cold case? 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Read All The Zodiac Killer’s Letters

The Memory Of The Zodiac Killer Murders Still Haunts America 

In what came to be one of the most well-known serial murder cases in America, the Zodiac Killer spent five years taunting, threatening, and killing the people of Northern California. The murders he has been conclusively linked to were gruesome and brutal. If the words of the Zodiac himself are to be believed, there are dozens of more murder victims that the police never succeeded in identifying as his victims. It’s little wonder that even after his killing spree seemed to have ended, police and civilians alike worked to solve the mysteries the Zodiac left behind. 

Have You Read All Of The Zodiac’s Letters? 

Of course, the Zodiac’s famous letters and ciphers cannot be absent from any discussion about the famed Zodiac Killer case. The Zodiac often used his letters as a means to both brag about his gruesome murders and to taunt those eager to find him. He challenged the police to find murder victims that had not yet been linked to him. He demanded his letters be published in the local newspapers he sent them to. If his demands were not met, he threatened to bring down yet more violence on the people of Northern California. Perhaps most importantly, his letters were the means by which he got his ciphers out to the public. 

Can You Use The Zodiac’s Letters To Crack The Case? 

If the Zodiac Killer is ever identified, it is sure that his letters and ciphers will play a huge role. Countless people have poured over his letters and ciphers, hoping to glean the necessary information to identify the Zodiac. Can you succeed where others have failed? 

Read The Zodiac’s Letters And Ciphers In Zodiac’s Killer: Just The Facts 
You can familiarize yourself with all of the Zodiac Killer’s letters and ciphers in Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. Zodiac Killer: Just The Facts offers its readers an easy-to-follow chronological detail of the police reports, letters, and cryptograms linked to the Zodiac Killer case. With its easily searchable index, Zodiac Killer buffs can get right to the information they want to read the most. Are you ready to study the Zodiac’s letters and cryptograms? 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Who Were The Zodiac Killer’s Victims?

For Five Years, The Zodiac Killer Haunted Northern California 

The Zodiac Killer’s rash of murders began in the late 1960s and stretched through the early 1970s. Over the course of those five years, the citizens of Northern California lived in dread and fear. When would the Zodiac strike again? When would he send his next letter or taunting cipher? Who would be his next victim? 

Do You Know The Zodiac Killer’s Victims? 

The Zodiac was never shy about celebrating the lives he took. In the letters he sent, he took credit for unnamed victims that the police never succeeded in linking to him. If his letters are to be believed, he killed 37 people over this 5-year stint in Northern California. However, as of today, he is only linked with certainty to 7 victims. Who were those victims? 

  • David Faraday – age 17, killed Dec. 20, 1968 
  • Betty Lou Jensen – age 16, killed Dec. 20, 1968 
  • Darlene Ferrin – age 22, killed July 5, 1969 
  • Mike Mageau – age 19, wounded July 5, 1969 
  • Cecelia Shepard – age 22, killed Sept. 29, 1969 
  • Bryan Hartnell – age 20, wounded Sept. 29, 1969 
  • Paul Stine – age 29, killed Oct. 11, 1969 

Who Was The Zodiac Killer? 

The question still haunts the minds and hearts of many across the country. We know more now than we ever have about the Zodiac Killer case, and yet it remains unsolved. 

Get To Know The Facts 

If you’re interested in reading up on the facts involved in the Zodiac Killer case, then read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. You can know now what the police knew then. Read through each police report in chronological order or use the searchable index provided by Voigt to pinpoint the information you want. This searchable index makes it easy to track down the information you want to know. Once you know the facts, can you solve this famous serial killer cold case? 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Did You Know The Zodiac Killer Confessed To 30+ Murders?

The Country Is Still Haunted By This Serial Killer Cold Case 

Although it’s been over 5 decades since the beginning of what became known as the Zodiac Killer’s serial murder case, the country remains haunted by merciless killings that happened in the 1960s and 1970s in Northern California. Of course, it’s little wonder that the Zodiac Killer case holds space in the minds of so many, given this case’s particulars.  

Cut Down In Their Prime By The Zodiac 

The Zodiac brutally ended the lives of several people over the course of his killing spree and mocked the police force and public alike with his cryptic ciphers. Nearly all of the Zodiac’s confirmed murder victims met their untimely deaths at a young age. Imagining the lives these victims never got to live paints a clear picture of how tragic these cases were. 

Did You Know The Zodiac Killer Confessed To 30+ Murders? 

If the only victims the Zodiac had ever killed were the 7 he is conclusively linked with, this case would be haunting enough. However, the Zodiac confessed in his letters to a total of 37 murders over the 5 years he spent terrorizing the Northern California area. Sadly, it is likely that we’ll never know exactly who these other victims were. 

Get A Facts Only Take On The Zodiac Killer Case 

Do you want to familiarize yourself with the cold, hard facts of the Zodiac Killer case? Then read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. In this book, Voigt provides a chronological collection of police reports for readers to view. You’ll know what the police knew about the Zodiac’s murders. Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts also features a searchable index that makes it easy for you to find exactly what you’re looking for. Just want to look at the Zodiac’s ciphers? The searchable index tells you exactly where within the police reports those ciphers are. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Do You Know All The Suspects Of The Zodiac Killer Case?

The Most Famous Serial Killer Case From the 1960s and 1970s 

Even decades after the fact, the Zodiac Killer case haunts the minds and hearts of people across the country, especially the people local to the Northern California areas that acted as the sites for those famous murders. So much remains unknown about the Zodiac Killer case. Who were the other 29 unknown victims the Zodiac claims to have killed? What do his unsolved ciphers say? And, finally – who did it? Will we ever know who the true Zodiac Killer was? 

Do You Know All of the Zodiac Killer Suspects? 

As you might expect of a case that has spanned so many decades, there were thousands of possible suspects considered for the Zodiac Killer case. However, the four most high-profile suspects were the following: 

  • Richard Gaikowski 
  • Arthur Leigh Allen 
  • Rich Marshall 
  • Lawrence Kane 

You can learn more about these suspects and their connection to the Zodiac Killer cold case at

Want a Clear, Facts Only View of the Zodiac Killer Case? 

Then you’ll want to read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. This book presents police reports of the famous 1960’s and 1970’s serial killer cases in chronological order. You can know what the police knew by reading through previously top-secret information meant for law enforcement eyes only. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Can You Solve The Zodiac Killer Case?

The Zodiac Killer Case: Serial Killer Cold Case Remains Unsolved 5+ Decades Later! 

It’s been roughly 55 years since the beginning of the rash of murders that haunted the Northern California area in the 1960s and 1970s. For decades, police forces have tried to crack the famous Zodiac ciphers and identify the killer. Despite the best efforts of law enforcement, cipher specialists, and even concerned citizens, the case remains cold. Do you have what it takes to solve the Zodiac Killer case? 

Get to Know the Victims, the Suspects, the Letters 

If you’re interested in this famous serial killer case, there is a lot of information to familiarize yourself with first. For example, while the Zodiac claimed responsibility for 37 victims over the course of his killing spree, he was only conclusively linked to 8 victims. While there were thousands of suspects in the Zodiac Killer case, there are 4 suspects that drew the most attention. Finally, the Zodiac sent many letters, some with accompanying ciphers, while he was actively looking for new victims. All of this information must be considered to crack the case. 

Get the Facts Straight with Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts 

If you’re looking for a straightforward and accurate summary of the facts about the Zodiac Killer case as we know them today, then you’ll want to read Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt. This book is a chronological collection of important Zodiac Killer case information, including police reports as well as letters from the Zodiac. Tom Voigt provides only the facts as we know them so you can see the case with clear eyes. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today.