The Zodiac Killer In Podcasts 

The Zodiac Killer Has Yet To Be Identified 

It has been decades since the public has heard from the famed serial killer who terrorized the Northern California population in the 1960s and 1970s. Yet, still so many are dedicated to solving his final ciphers and, hopefully, revealing his identity. Can these final Zodiac mysteries be solved? 

The Zodiac Killer – Learn Just The Facts 

It’s little wonder that the Zodiac has featured in many different forms of media over the years, as people discuss, study, and theorize about the Zodiac Killer case. Unfortunately, however, there are many sources of Zodiac information that knowingly or unknowingly spread misinformation. 

If you’re interested in learning just the facts about the Zodiac Killer, you need an alternative to all of the Zodiac Killer misinformation out there. Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Q&A series on the Zodiac Killer OFFICIAL YouTube channel can be that alternative. 

The Zodiac Killer In Podcasts 

The Zodiac Killer has featured in many podcasts dedicated to the discussion of true crime and serial killer cases. However, the information shared by these podcasts isn’t always totally accurate. Most recently, the Casefile Podcast featured episodes about the Zodiac. In Tom’s video “ZODIAC KILLER: Q&A # 4 — WAS CASEFILE ACCURATE?” Tom corrects some mistakes that were in the Casefile Zodiac Killer episodes. 

Want To Learn More About The Zodiac Killer Case? 

If you want to learn more about Zodiac Killer facts and less about questionable Zodiac Killer theories, you’ll want to read Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. Zodiac Killer police reports, letters, and ciphers are chronologically ordered to paint a clear and factual picture of the Zodiac Killer case. The book also includes an easily searchable index, allowing you to quickly pinpoint the information you’re interested in. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Is The Zodiac Movie Factual? 

Can The Zodiac Killer Mystery Be Solved? 

The Zodiac Killer’s famed killing spree ended in the early 1970s. However, in spite of the fact that it has been decades since we’ve heard from the Zodiac, many are still dedicated to uncovering the mysteries he left behind. 

Study The Facts Of The Zodiac Killer Case 

If there’s to be any hope that the Zodiac’s final mysteries, including the mystery of his identity, can be solved, then we must focus on the facts of the case. Our own Tom Voigt is dedicated to offering factual alternatives to the various sources of Zodiac misinformation out there. 

Watch The Zodiac Killer: Q&A 

Do you have questions about the Zodiac? Tom is answering questions in his Zodiac Killer: Q&A series on the Zodiac Killer OFFICIAL YouTube channel

Was The 2007 Zodiac Movie Factual? 

In his video “ZODIAC KILLER: Q&A # 3 — “ZODIAC” 15th Anniversary SPECIAL EDITION” Tom shares his thoughts on the David Fincher 2007 film Zodiac. March 2022 marked the 15 year anniversary of the release of this film. In the video, Tom shares not only his thoughts on the film itself but also his personal experience with the film’s makers at the time. Watch to learn more! 

Read Only The Facts About The Zodiac Killer Case 

Interested in learning more about the facts of the Zodiac Killer case? Try reading Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. This book presents the police reports about the Zodiac’s victims, the Zodiac’s letters, and the Zodiac’s ciphers all in chronological order. With the book’s easily searchable index, you can quickly find the information you want to look at the most. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac’s Kathleen Johns Letter 


The Zodiac Killer Mocked The Public With His Letters 

For years, the words of the Zodiac Killer have haunted the public’s minds. Even decades after his killing spree in Northern California, the Zodiac is remembered for the threats, demands, and taunts he issues through his now-famous letters. Could these letters hold the key to revealing his identity? Will the mystery of the Zodiac Killer case ever be solved? 

The Zodiac Killer Writes About Kathleen Johns 

Kathleen Johns is one of the possible Zodiac Killer victims who is not officially recognized as being attached to the case. On March 22, 1970, Johns was on a drive with her daughter when a stranger signaled her to pull over because her wheel was wobbling. Although the man offered to help fix it, it seemed he only made the issue worse because as she drove off again her wheel completely fell off. 

The man approached again, convincing her to accept a ride from him. According to Johns, he drove around desolate areas and threatened to kill her. Eventually, Johns escaped. Later, her car was found burned where she left it. 

Whether or not the stranger who threatened Johns was the Zodiac is debatable. The police reports of this incident fail to mention that Johns was threatened. Johns explained that the police failed to document her experience in her presence, and suggested they formed the reports from memory. 

Although in his “Kathleen Johns Letter” the Zodiac references this case, he fails to provide further detail, as he had been wont to do in previous letters to prove his involvement with other victims. Is it possible that Kathleen Johns really escaped the Zodiac himself, or was he taking credit for another’s crime? 

More Letters From The Zodiac 

In Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts you can read more of Zodiac’s letters and ciphers, as well as the police reports attached to his case. All the information is in chronological order, and you can pinpoint particular information with the searchable index. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac’s Final Cipher 

The Zodiac Killer Left Behind Hints To Solve 

It is doubtless that one of the reasons so many are still dedicated to figuring out the identity of the Zodiac Killer is the fact that he left behind so many hints. While he never fully revealed himself, the Zodiac Killer didn’t totally shy away from the public eye, either. Rather, he seemed to want to be acknowledged by the Northern California population. Although it’s been many years since the Zodiac was active, there’s a possibility that the words he left behind could help to identify him someday. 

The Zodiac’s Final Cipher 

One thing that makes the Zodiac stand out among other serial killer cases is the fact that he sent out cryptic ciphers. He sent out four ciphers in total through the 1960s and 1970s, and only two have been solved to this day. On June 26, 1970, the Zodiac sent his final cipher.  

The Location Of The Bomb 

The Zodiac threatens to kill more people through bombings a few times in his letters. In his “Button Letter,” he references the map of a bomb’s location he sent in a previous letter. The “Button Letter” contains the final cipher, commonly referred to as the Z 32 Cipher. The Zodiac claims that the map and cipher can be used together to locate the bomb he’s hidden. 

The Z 32 Cipher Remains Unsolved 

The Z 32 cipher is one of two Zodiac ciphers that remain unsolved. Authorities never found the bomb the Zodiac claimed to have planted. Was there ever a bomb at all, or were his bombing threats simply a bluff? 

Take A Look At The Zodiac’s Ciphers Yourself! 

Want to take a crack at the Zodiac’s ciphers or read over his letters? If so, consider getting a copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. The Zodiac’s letters, ciphers, and the police reports attached to his case are ordered chronologically in this book. Use the searchable index to find the letter, cipher, or police report you want to read easily. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac’s Button Letter 

Zodiac Killer Mysteries Remain Unsolved 

Even after decades of dedicated people all over the world attempting to solve the Zodiac Killer’s final mysteries, we still have questions left unanswered. How long will the serial killer who terrorized the Northern California area in the 1960s and 1970s haunt us? How long until he is finally identified? 

The Zodiac’s Button Letter 

Without knowing his identity, the biggest clue we have into the Zodiac’s motivations and how his mind worked are the letters he himself sent. One such letter is now commonly referred to simply as the “Button Letter.” The Zodiac sent this letter to The San Francisco Chronicle on June 26, 1970. In a previous letter, he’d mentioned how certain decorative buttons, which could be worn pinned to one’s clothes, were in fashion. He then expressed that he wanted to see the people of San Francisco wear Zodiac Killer themed buttons, decorated with the crosshair-like symbol he often wrote in his letters. 

In the “Button Letter,” the Zodiac is displeased because no one has begun to wear such buttons. He laments that he will not be able to follow through on his threat to “[annihilate] a full School Buss[sic]” because school is out for the summer. He says that instead he shot a man in a parked car, then challenges the readers and authorities to find a bomb he’s hidden with the aid of a map and what would be his final cipher. 

Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts Contains All Of The Zodiac’s Letters 

Want to read more of the Zodiac’s letters? You can in Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts – a book that provides an accurate view of the facts of the Zodiac Killer case. In it, you’ll find not only the Zodiac’s letters, but also his ciphers and the police reports of his victims – all in chronological order. The searchable index makes it easy to find the information you want to read. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac And The Riddler 

The Zodiac Leaves An Impression 

It is an undeniable fact that the Zodiac lives on in the minds and imaginations of many all over the world, even decades after this killing spree in Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s. It’s easy to understand why, too. The horrific crimes he committed, his taunting letters, and his cryptic ciphers all made him stand out. He’s left such an impression on our collective conscious that you can see his presence even in pop culture. The Zodiac has been an inspiration for many stories, and most recently his influence can be seen over one of comic’s most well-known supervillains. 

Riddle Me This, Batman… 

Those who have followed the Zodiac Killer case closely are in for a surprise when they see The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves. The villain that stars in this particular Batman film is none other than Edward Nashton, otherwise known as the Riddler. However, this particular iteration of the Riddler is somewhat different than you might expect – and yet eerily familiar all the same. 

This Is This Riddler Speaking 

Director Matt Reeves admits that the Zodiac played a large role in how he chose to portray The Riddler in his film. Given the Riddler’s penchant for riddles and his well-known need to show his smarts to Batman, drawing inspiration from the Zodiac seems like a perfect choice. As Reeves himself said, 

“I revisited the Zodiac story and I thought, ‘gosh, when you look at the Zodiac who was leaving all of these ciphers and puzzles and taunting the police and the newspapers…that sounds like the Riddler.’” 

The Riddler’s use of codes to communicate with Batman and the Gotham City Police Department in the film isn’t the only thing he shares with the Zodiac, however. The film makes the allusion to the Zodiac clear in several ways. 

The Riddler’s Speech Mimics The Zodiac 

At one point in the film, the Riddler begins a chat with “This is the Riddler speaking” – an obvious reference to how the Zodiac began many of the letters he sent. It’s not just this line that mimics the Zodiac’s speaking patterns, though. In this film, the Riddler often refers to the police as “pigs” – slang that has fallen out of popular use now but is a term the Zodiac used to taunt police in several of his letters. 

The Riddler’s New Symbol 

The Riddler is well known for his signature question mark symbol. The Riddler’s symbol has been adapted in this film to mimic the crosshair or gunsight signal the Zodiac left on many of his letters. In this film, the Riddler’s costume bears a mark very similar to that crosshair symbol. The circular sight in the middle, however, is replaced with the Riddler’s question mark. 

The Riddler’s Crimes Echo The Zodiac’s Crimes 

Even some of the victims we see the Riddler claim on screen mimic famous cases that are linked to the Zodiac Killer himself. As the Riddler attacks a man after waiting in the back of his car, those in the know are sure to be reminded of the Zodiac’s attack on cab drive Paul Stine. 

What Other Similarities Did You Notice? 

There are many other similarities between this Riddler and the Zodiac in The Batman. If you haven’t seen the film yet, try to see which similarities you recognize. 

Learn More About The Zodiac Killer Case 

If you’re interested in reading more about the inspiration behind this version of the Riddler, try reading Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. This book contains police reports, letters, and ciphers – all related to the Zodiac killer case. You can read through each item in chronological order or pinpoint the information you’re interested in with the easily searchable index. 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Is There DNA Of The Zodiac Killer? 

How Can The Zodiac Killer Case Be Solved? 

The Zodiac Killer spent the late 1960s and early 1970s claiming victims across the Northern California area. Although it has been decades since his last officially recognized victim was discovered, his deeds and words still haunt the public today. What will it take to finally solve this famed serial killer case? Will we ever know who the Zodiac Killer really was? 

To Solve The Case We Must Fight The Spread Of Misinformation 

One of the things that blocks progress in the search for answers about the Zodiac Killer is the widespread misinformation about the case. There are many sources eager to share news, so-called evidence, and theories about the Zodiac Killer case. Unfortunately, many of these sources can be unreliable and given to spreading information that isn’t factual. 

Tom Voigt Is Dedicated To Providing Accurate Zodiac Information 

By sharing accurate information, we can get closer to the ultimate goal of identifying the Zodiac Killer. To that end,’s own Tom Voigt is dedicated to answering your questions about the Zodiac Killer case with accurate information. 

Is There DNA Of The Zodiac Killer? 

In Tom Voigt’s latest Zodiac Killer Q&A video, he is asked about the Zodiac Killer’s DNA. In April of 2018, another famous serial killer – the Golden State Killer – was identified thanks to DNA genealogy. The topic of using DNA samples to identify the Zodiac Killer had been a hot topic for decades already at this point, but the identification of the Golden State Killer led detectives to hope they could use the same formula to identify the Zodiac.  

What happened to this plan? Watch “Zodiac Killer: Q&A # 2 — What About The DNA?” to learn more. 

Read More Accurate Information In Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts 

Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts provides a facts-only, accurate view of the Zodiac Killer case. Read police reports, Zodiac letters, and Zodiac ciphers in chronological order or get right to the information you’re interested in the most with the aid of the easily searchable index. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac’s Dragon Card 

The Zodiac Killer’s Mysteries Remain Unsolved 

The Zodiac Killer went on his famed killing spree in Northern California over the late 1960s and early 1970s. Only 7 victims were confirmed to be victims of the Zodiac Killer, though he claims to have killed as many as 37 victims total. Will we ever solve the final mysteries of this case? Will we ever know who the Zodiac Killer was? 

The Zodiac Killer’s Dragon Card 

The second Zodiac letter of 1970 was sent to The San Francisco Chronicle on April 28th. This is also the second time the Zodiac opted to send his letter written on a humorous postcard. The front of the card depicts one man sitting on a donkey and another sitting on a dragon. It reads “Sorry to hear your ass is dragon.” The Zodiac wrote on the front “I hope you enjoy your selves [sic] when I have my Blast,” and notes that there is more on the back. 

The Zodiac Demands Buttons 

Like previous letters, the Zodiac makes demands and threatens to harm others if they are not met. First, he wanted The Chronicle to “[t]ell everyone about the bus bomb with all the details.” Next, he says he wants to see people wearing “nice Zodiac buttons.” He mentions other buttons that were in fashion at the time – such as ones with the peace symbol and ones that read “black power.” He claims it would “cheer [him] up considerably” to see people wearing buttons with his symbol. 

The demand for buttons demonstrates a certain need for attention that is in character for the Zodiac. After all, writing his letters and demanding that his words, his deeds, and his plans be published in the newspapers also make it evident that he wanted people to pay attention to him. If his identity were to ever be revealed, would we then learn more about why this was so important to him? 

Learn More About The Zodiac Through His Own Words 

If you’re interested in reading the Zodiac’s letters and ciphers, get yourself a copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. All the facts – including the letters, ciphers, and police reports, are ordered chronologically. The book also includes an easily searchable index that helps you pinpoint any particular information you’re looking for. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

The Zodiac Killer’s Name

Who Was The Zodiac Killer? 

Fifty-plus years after the Zodiac Killer began his killing spree in Northern California, we are left with so many questions. Why did he write his cryptic letters? Why did he have a penchant for making ciphers? Did he want to be found out, or were his attempts to leave clues only meant to mock us? Who was the Zodiac Killer really? 

The Zodiac Killer’s Name 

One of the mysteries that remains unsolved is, of course, the Zodiac Killer’s identity. There are those who believe, however, that the Zodiac Killer himself gave us his name – if only we could decipher his cryptogram. 

“My Name Is…” Cipher 

In the letter sent on April 20th, 1970, the Zodiac opens by asking if his last cipher has been solved. Then, he gives a new one. This cipher is his shortest – only thirteen characters – and is proceeded by the words “My name is –.” 

Of course, many have tried to crack this cipher over the years. It remains, however, one of the two ciphers sent by the Zodiac that are unsolved. Part of the challenge in solving such a cipher is its short length.  

Would The Zodiac Really Reveal His Name? 

It’s debatable at best that the Zodiac would risk revealing his identity by putting it behind a cipher. Perhaps he felt confident enough that it wouldn’t be cracked that he wasn’t worried about the risk. It seems equally as likely, however, that the cipher may only reveal a mocking answer that is not his name. Still, there are those who are determined to reveal what the cipher says. 

Read The Zodiac’s Ciphers And More 

Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts has all of the factual information you could want about the Zodiac Killer case. Letters, ciphers, and police reports are presented chronologically. Read through the facts from start to finish or find the information you seek with the easily searchable index. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today. 

Is Gary Poste The Zodiac Killer? 

The Zodiac Killer Left Behind Unsolved Mysteries 

Although the Zodiac Killer has not been active for over 50 years now, his name and his deeds live on in infamy. Tales of his horrific killing spree in Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s have spread far and wide. All over the world, people have tried to solve his final ciphers and to unveil the Zodiac’s true identity. Will these final mysteries ever be solved? Will we one day know who the Zodiac really was? 

Is Gary Poste Really The Zodiac Killer? 

The was in October of 2021 that a group who called themselves the Case Breakers claimed to have found the identity of the Zodiac Killer. They claimed that a man by the name of Gary Poste – and many took their word for it that they’d finally exposed this long-sought-after serial killer. Unfortunately, there is no solid proof that Gary Poste is the Zodiac himself. 

Tom Voigt Explains Why Gary Poste Isn’t Proven To Be The Zodiac 

Tom Voigt has been dedicated to providing good information about the Zodiac Killer case for decades. If we ever hope to solve the Zodiac Killer case, after all, it is important that we study the facts and debunk the myths surrounding this case. When you examine the Case Breaker’s reasons for identifying Gary Poste as the Zodiac Killer, they are flimsy at best. 

Tom Voigt himself explains why Gary Poste isn’t proven to be the Zodiac Killer in his video “Zodiac Killer: Q&A #1 – Is Gary Poste the Zodiac Killer?” You can watch now to learn the facts for yourself! 

Want To Learn More Zodiac Killer Facts? 

Another great way to get familiar with the facts about the Zodiac Killer case is to get a copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. This book includes only the facts relevant to the Zodiac Killer case – including police reports, Zodiac letters, and Zodiac ciphers. The searchable index lets you easily pinpoint the information you’re looking for. Get your copy soon! 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Launched in 1998, remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit today.