Where To Read The Zodiac’s Letters 

Zodiac Killer times-herald-cipher-key-1-of-3

Do You Think The Zodiac Killer Case Can Be Solved? 

The Zodiac Killer case is arguably one of the most well-known serial killer cases in the world. Although the Zodiac himself has not been heard from since his activity in Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s came to a halt, people in various parts of the world continue to study this cold case. Do you believe it can still be solved? 

The Clues Left Behind By The Zodiac 

For those who continue to examine the facts of the Zodiac Killer case, there are many things to consider. People study the Zodiac’s known victims, the popular Zodiac suspects, the details of the crimes, the locations of the crimes, and so on. Perhaps the most telling clues in the Zodiac Killer case, however, are the clues the Zodiac himself willingly left in his letters and ciphers. 

Read The Infamous Zodiac Killer Letters 

The efforts of citizens and individuals have played an important role in some of the discoveries that have been made about the Zodiac Killer case over the past several decades. That’s why here at zodiackiller.com we believe it’s important that the public has access to information about the case – including the infamous Zodiac Killer letters. Through reading the Zodiac’s letters, readers can discover much about his personality, his goals, and his motivations. These letters may even hold the key to discovering his identity. 

Get More Zodiac Facts When You Read Zodiac Killer: Just The Facts 

Get your copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts soon! This book includes a chronological list of only the facts involved in the Zodiac Killer case – including police reports, letters, and ciphers. The easily searchable index lets you find specific information quickly and easily. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Why Did The Zodiac Name Himself “The Zodiac?” 

The Zodiac Killer Case Has Many Unsolved Mysteries 

Though people all over the world have been studying this case of serial murders across Northern California for decades, there are still many unanswered questions about the Zodiac Killer case. How many of the Zodiac’s victims were never discovered? Why did he stop sending letters? Who was the man we know only as the Zodiac Killer? 

Why Did He Choose “Zodiac”? 

The only name we know to call this horrific murderer is the name he gave himself – “the Zodiac.” If you’ve read the Zodiac’s letters, you know he often opens his letters with the line “This is the Zodiac speaking.” The question is: why? Why did he give himself this name? 

What Does “Zodiac” Mean? 

The most common association most people have with the word “zodiac” outside of the Zodiac Killer case is the connection it has to astrology. “Zodiac” is the name for the belt-shaped region of the sky that contains the paths of the sun, the moon, and the planets over the course of the year. 

In astrology, this belt is divided into twelve sections which correspond to the constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – resulting in what we know as “zodiac signs.” 

The word “zodiac” is derived from zōdiacus, which is a Latinized term based on the Ancient Greek zōdiakòs kýklos. This term means literally “cycle or circle of little animals.” 

The Zodiac Never Revealed Why He Chose This Name 

Unfortunately, like so many questions we have about the Zodiac Killer case, this is a question that remains unanswered. Did the Zodiac follow the beliefs of astrology? Was he attracted to the connection to the heavens, or the idea of cycles? Did this somehow fit into his twisted beliefs about the afterlife? For now, we can only speculate. 

You Can Read More Zodiac Killer Facts 

Not everything about the Zodiac Killer case involves speculation. Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts includes only facts such as police reports, letters, and ciphers. All are chronologically ordered. The book also includes an easily searchable index. Get a copy for yourself today! 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Zodiac Killer Misinformation At Reddit

Zodiac Killer misinformation is everywhere on the Internet and beyond. Specifically, Reddit is notoriously filled with bad facts, and that misinformation is especially troubling at its Zodiac killer sub. If we hope to one day identify the Zodiac killer, we must first be armed with the facts that will help us recognize him. Misinformation helps the Zodiac stay unidentified. And since most reddit falsehoods stay uncorrected due to both poor moderation as well as a decided lack of knowledgeable users, I’m doing what I can to help the situation. Read all about it at my discussion forum located here: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/zodiackillerfr/reddit-youtube-zodiac-nonsense-and-facebook-too-t9369.html

The Zodiac Killer Named Himself “Zodiac” 

Nancy Bennallack Murder Solved!

The Zodiac Killer Case Is Still Waiting To Be Solved 

While to some it may be surprising that the Zodiac Killer case still draws so much attention more than 50 years after the fact, those familiar with the horrific details of the Zodiac’s crimes still feel the urge to seek answers. The Zodiac terrified the public of Northern California during the 1960s and 1970s. Although he was never caught or identified, many still hope to find answers by studying the crimes, his letters, and his ciphers. 

Why Is He Called The Zodiac Killer? 

If you’re not familiar with the Zodiac Killer Case, you may wonder why he’s called “The Zodiac Killer.” It may surprise some to learn that the Zodiac Killer himself gave himself this name. Specifically, in his letters he often referred to himself as “the Zodiac.” 

The Debut Of “The Zodiac” 

The Zodiac often opened his letters with the line “This is the Zodiac speaking.” The first time he does so is in a letter he sent in August of 1969. The majority of the correspondence sent by the Zodiac after this letter follows this pattern. Take a look at the Zodiac’s letters to see this pattern for yourself. 

The Zodiac Killer Guarded His Identity 

Part of the reason the Zodiac had to give himself such a name in the first place, obviously, was to obscure his identity. It’s worth noting, though, that the Zodiac often expressed certainty that his identity was never at risk of being exposed. He was sure that the people trying to catch him were not intelligent enough to do so, and he would even occasionally tease about information that had yet to be linked to him. 

One of the two unsolved ciphers the Zodiac sent seems to hint at his identity since the cipher is proceeded by the words “My name is…”. Does the cipher truly hold his identity? Is the nickname he gave himself somehow another hint about his identity? Only time will tell. 

Learn More Zodiac Killer Facts 

Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts straight-forwardly details the facts of the Zodiac Killer case – including police reports, letters, and ciphers in chronological order and an easily searchable index. Get your copy soon! 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Easiest Way To Read The Zodiac’s Letters 


The Zodiac Killer Case Is Being Studied Closely 

Although the crimes that were definitively linked to the Zodiac are now more than 50 years old, there are still those who are dedicated to studying the Zodiac Killer case. His murderous spree across Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s had not been forgotten – and there are those who are not content to rest until the Zodiac is identified. 

The Zodiac’s Letters Are A Window Into The Man Behind The Crimes 

Since the Zodiac has never been officially identified, we don’t know much for certain about what kind of person the Zodiac was. The most we know about him comes from the letters he sent. He used his letters as a means to show off, to brag, to threaten, and to explain his twisted motivations and beliefs. Many still hope that his letters and ciphers hold the key to identifying the man we know only as the Zodiac. 

Read The Zodiac’s Letters Yourself 

Are you interested in seeing what the Zodiac had to say? Do you want to join those who continue to study the Zodiac Killer case? Zodiackiller.com makes it easy to find and study the information you’re interested in. You can read all of the Zodiac’s letters online. 

Read Just The Facts Of The Zodiac Killer Case 

Want an easy way to go over the facts of the Zodiac Killer case even when you’re not online? Try Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. This book has police reports, letters, and ciphers all ordered chronically so they’re easy to read through. You can also use the easily searchable index to find a particular piece of information quickly. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

The Zodiac’s First Letter 

The Zodiac Killer Mystery – Can It Be Solved? 

Although it has been decades since anyone has heard from the killer who labeled himself the Zodiac, people still closely study the Zodiac Killer case. Why? The Zodiac’s horrific crimes haunted the Northern California populace in the 1960s and 1970s. Indeed, his deeds haunted people all over the world. Perhaps that is why so many remain dedicated to the hope that the case can be solved even after so many years. 

The Zodiac’s Unique Letters 

One of the most attention-catching details of the Zodiac Killer case is certainly the letters he left behind. His letters are, arguably, the closest anyone has come to knowing who the Zodiac Killer is. They reveal to us his personality, his goals, his motivations, etc. Undoubtedly, they are one of the things people study the most closely when considering this case. 

The Zodiac’s First Letter 

The first Zodiac letter – the one that started his trend of sending letters – was actually a set of three letters. These letters were linked to the murder of Cheri Jo Bates. On April 30th, 1967, 3 anonymous letters were mailed to the Riverside Police Department, the Riverside Press-Enterprise newspaper, and Joseph Bates – the victim’s father. All letters read some variation of claims that Bates “had to die” and a threat that “there will be more.” It was later, in a letter sent to the L.A. Times on March 13th, 1971 that the Zodiac took responsibility for Bates’s murder under the name “the Zodiac.” 

Read More Zodiac Letters 

Want to read more of the Zodiac’s letters? Zodiackiller.com makes the Zodiac’s letters available online. You can also pick up a copy of Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, which includes chronologically orders Zodiac Killer letters, ciphers, and police reports with an easily searchable index. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Why Did The Zodiac Send Letters? 

Did The Zodiac Visit Melvin Belli’s House?

The Zodiac Killer Case Remains Unsolved After More Than 50 Years 

It’s been decades since the Zodiac Killer’s horrific series of crimes in Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s. Although the Zodiac Killer case remains unsolved, there are many who still hope to identify the Zodiac and achieve closure on this horrific serial killer case. How long until we know who the Zodiac was? What clue will finally lead us to his identity after all these years? 

The Zodiac Killer Letters Are Infamous 

The killer who named himself the Zodiac sent letters to the public throughout his time in Northern California. He mailed his letters most often to local newspapers to have them published for public viewing, although at times he also sent mail to individuals. His letters were a source of dread and fear for many – as well as one of the only ways we have of knowing what the Zodiac was like as a person. 

Why Did The Zodiac Send Letters? 

Although we don’t have an answer as to why he sent the letters from the Zodiac himself, it’s fair to draw certain conclusions based on the content of those letters. In his letters, the Zodiac often bragged about his crimes – both the ones we knew he’d committed and the ones that had not yet been linked to him. The Zodiac also mocked the police who were trying to find him. He clearly thought himself above them to a certain degree. His letters were likely a way for the Zodiac to show off without endangering himself. He could brag about his crimes without revealing his identity. 

His letters also often featured demands. He demanded that his letters be published in local newspapers. He demanded that the local populace begin wearing Zodiac-themed pins. He used his letters as a means to instill fear and to attempt to control those who read them. His letters were another way he made himself feel powerful. 

Will His Letters Be His Downfall? 

Unfortunately, the Zodiac Killer remains unidentified. Many of the prime suspects have since passed away. However, it’s possible that the Zodiac’s letters could ultimately lead us to the truth about his identity, even after all these years. Only time will tell. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

How Many Letters Did The Zodiac Send? 

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The Zodiac’s Crimes Remain Unanswered For 

The Zodiac was a serial killer who was active in the Northern California area from the 1960s to the 1970s. He committed horrific crimes, sent taunting letters and terrifying threats to the public, and was never identified. More than 50 years later, people all over the world remain dedicated to studying the Zodiac Killer case in hopes that the Zodiac might finally be identified. 

The Zodiac’s Sinister Letters 

One of the most unique aspects of the Zodiac Killer case is, of course, his letters. His letters reveal a certain amount of the killer’s personality. He outlines his plans, his personal beliefs, and his motivations for murder. He also used his letters to threaten the public as well as to mock those trying to find him. From his letters, it is easy to conclude that the Zodiac enjoyed holding the attention of the public and those seeking him. 

How Many Letters Did The Zodiac Send? 

Of the letters that are officially recognized to be from the Zodiac, there are more than 20. This number includes letters written out at length on paper as well as a few greeting cards the Zodiac made additions to. Among the 20-plus letters are his 4 ciphers. The first cipher was divided into thirds and sent to 3 different newspapers. All of the Zodiac’s letters were sent between April 30th, 1967 and July 1974.  

Can These Letters Be Used To Identify The Zodiac? 

The letters and ciphers sent by the Zodiac are arguably the biggest clues to his identity. Many of the letters are hand-written, and they are the closest glimpse we have of who the Zodiac was as a person. Could the letters be the key to finally identifying him? 

You can read the Zodiac’s letters yourself and draw your own conclusions. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Why Do People Still Study The Zodiac Killer Case? 

Will The Zodiac Killer Case Ever Be Solved? 

The Zodiac Killer committed horrific crimes in the Northern California area throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. He took joy in mocking the public and the police forces alike through the letters he sent out. Even decades after the last known crime and the last letter he sent under the name “the Zodiac,” the public remains dedicated to finding answers about the Zodiac Killer case. 

Why Do We Want The Zodiac Killer Case To Be Solved? 

The Zodiac Killer case has gone unsolved for more than 50 years now. After half a century of making limited progress on the Zodiac Killer case, why are so many still dedicated to trying to solve it? Most of the suspects associated with the Zodiac Killer have since passed away, too. It’s quite likely that even if the Zodiac is identified, it won’t be possible to hold him responsible for his crimes. 

Seeking Closure On The Zodiac Killer Case 

The simplest answer as to why people are interested in solving the case even decades after the Zodiac Killer’s crimes is this: people want closure. The Zodiac Killer case was horrific and traumatic and still haunts the minds of many. If the final Zodiac Killer mysteries are solved, however, people may feel a sense of closure. 

Learn More About The Zodiac Killer Case Today 

Do you want to join the efforts to solve the Zodiac Killer case? Do you want to learn the facts of the Zodiac Killer case? If so, read Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. In this book, you can read police reports, Zodiac letters, and Zodiac ciphers in the chronological order they occurred in. You can also use the easily searchable index to find particular information you want to read. Get your copy soon! 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today. 

Was Arthur Leigh Allen The Zodiac? 

Zodiac Killer Letter: Vallejo Times Letter

The Zodiac Killer Was Never Caught 

The killer who named himself “The Zodiac” was responsible for many heinous assaults and murders in the 1960s and 1970s in Northern California. The crimes officially linked to the Zodiac Killer case are horrific enough in and of themselves, but the Zodiac bragged in his letters that he was responsible for many more crimes than the police ever linked him to. Is it possible that, after all these years, the Zodiac could be identified at last? 

Zodiac Killer Suspects: Arthur Leigh Allen 

When it comes to Zodiac Killer suspects, there are many possible names one could bring up. Among the names mentioned time and time again in relation to the Zodiac Killer case is Arthur Leigh Allen. Undoubtedly, Arthur Leigh Allen is the primary Zodiac Killer suspect in many people’s minds. In fact, as recently as 2007 one of the original Zodiac Killer detectives remained convinced that Arthur Leigh Allen was the Zodiac himself. 

Jack Mulanax was one of the detectives who worked with the Vallejo Police Department when the Zodiac began his killing spree in the 1960s. You can watch Mulanax speak to his conviction that Allen was the Zodiac in a clip available on the Official Zodiackiller.com YouTube channel. 

Do You Want To Learn More About The Zodiac Killer Case? 

Are you interested in learning more about the Zodiac Killer case? Find you don’t know where to start? Do you want to get a plain view of the facts? If so, read Tom Voigt’s Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts. This book includes police reports, Zodiac letters, and Zodiac ciphers in chronological order as well as an easily searchable index. 

Information Gathered From the #1 Zodiac Killer Website 

Tom Voigt is responsible for the creation, curation, and editing of the #1 Zodiac Killer website, Zodiackiller.com. Launched in 1998, Zodiackiller.com remains the ONLY Zodiac Killer website recognized by law enforcement. To learn more about the release of Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts, as well as other information about the Zodiac Killer case, visit Zodiackiller.com today.