Search for: Arthur Leigh Allen

Do You Want To Learn Zodiac Killer Facts? 

What Do You Know About The Zodiac Killer Case?  The Zodiac Killer case remains one of the most famous serial killer cases to this day. Despite the fact that the Zodiac Killer case is decades old, countless people around the world are still studying the Zodiac’s crimes, letters, and ciphers in hopes that his identity […]

Who Do You Think The Zodiac Was? 

The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Remains A Mystery  It’s been decades since the public last heard from the notorious Zodiac Killer – and yet questions about the crimes he committed and the person he was still haunt our minds today. Who was he really? Was he actually one of the many suspects attached to the Zodiac […]

Where To Start Reading About The Zodiac 

Will The Zodiac Killer Case Ever Be Solved?  The Zodiac is responsible for both violent attacks and deaths that he was never held accountable for. Yet, still some hope that the Zodiac can be identified. Decades after his killing spree in the 1960s and 1970s, interested parties pour over the available information to seek answers […]

Who Are The Zodiac Suspects? 

The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Is A Mystery That Remains Unsolved  In the 1960s and 1970s, the Zodiac became one of the most well-known serial killers. The brutal murders he committed, his taunting letters, and the cryptic ciphers he wrote are still avidly studied today by those who hope to solve the Zodiac’s mysteries – including […]

Do You Know All The Suspects Of The Zodiac Killer Case? 

The Most Famous Serial Killer Case From the 1960s and 1970s  Even decades after the fact, the Zodiac Killer case haunts the minds and hearts of people across the country, especially the people local to the Northern California areas that acted as the sites for those famous murders. So much remains unknown about the Zodiac […]

Where Can I Learn About Zodiac Killer Suspects? 

Over 5 Decades Later, The Zodiac Killer Case Remains Unsolved  Although it’s been decades since the Zodiac Killer was active in Northern California, his actions still haunt the people of Northern California and the United States at large. His horrendous crimes, taunting letters, and mysterious ciphers have been studied by police officials, the FBI, and many concerned […]

The Zodiac Killer: Who Was He? 

Nearly 53 Years Ago The Zodiac Killer Began His Northern California Killing Spree  This December will mark the 53rd anniversary of the first case associated with the Zodiac Killer – that of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen. More than half a century ago, the Zodiac Killer began a killing spree in Northern California that still haunts the […]

Will We Catch The Zodiac? 

The Zodiac Killer Has Yet To Be Identified  Decades after his spree of killings in Northern California, the Zodiac Killer has yet to be identified. There has been no shortage of suspects over the years, yet no one has been definitively identified as the Zodiac himself. Is this mystery one that can still be solved? Will the […]

Zodiac Killer Suspects: Lawrence Kane 

The Zodiac Killer: Who Was He Really?  The Zodiac Killer left a trail of victims across Northern California in the 1960s and 1970s. If we are to believe the words of the Zodiac himself, the authorities never even found all of his victims. It’s little wonder that the memory of the Zodiac Killer case still haunts so […]